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Journal of Frontiers in Psychology, 2022
Reinventing the public square and early educational settings through culturally informed, community co-design: Playful Learning Landscapes
Annelise Pesch, Karlena D Ochoa, Katelyn K Fletcher, Vanessa N Bermudez, Rachael D Todaro, Julie Salazar, Hailey M Gibbs, June Ahn, Andres S Bustamante, Kathy Hirsh-Pasek
digital youth, community, co-design, design-based implementation research, playful learning
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 2022
Using a participatory design approach for co-creating culturally situated STEM enrichment activities
Ashlee B Belgrave, Vanessa N Bermudez, Phebe Chew, Yiwen Lin, June Ahn, Andres S Bustamante
participatory design, stem, design-based implementation research
ICLS, 2022
Mapping the Complexities and Benefits of Research-Design Partnerships
Emma Mercier, LuEttaMae Lawrence, June Ahn, Christopher Wegemer, Maya Benichou, Yael Kali, Yotam Hod, Marcela Borge, Kimberley Gomez, Ung-Sang Lee, Susan McKenney, Cindy Poortman, Paula Arce-Trigatti, Britte Haugan Cheng
research-practice partnerships, design-based implementation research
Journal of Learning Analytics, 2021
Making Sense of Sensemaking: Understanding How K–12 Teachers and Coaches React to Visual Analytics
Campos, Fabio; Ahn, June; DiGiacomo, Daniela; Nguyen, Ha; Hays, Maria
human-computer interaction, information sciences, k-12 education, learning analytics, research-practice partnerships, design-based implementation research
ISLS, 2021
Understanding pedagogical frameworks, relationships, and learning opportunities in community-based participatory design
Chew, Phebe; Lin, Yiwen; Bermudez, Vanessa; Bustamante, Andres; Ahn, June
research-practice partnerships, stem, participatory design
Journal of Computing in Science & Engineering, 2020
Negotiating equity priorities within systems change: A case study of a district-level initiative to implement K12 computer science education
Santo, Rafi; DeLyser, Leigh Ann; Ahn, June
k-12 education, research-practice partnerships, computer science
Journal of Translational Issues in Psychological Science, 2020
A mixed-methods analysis of mechanisms to support college enrollment among low-income high school students.
Ober, Teresa M.; Ahn, June; Ali, Alisha; Homer, Bruce; Moner, Aileen; Azam, Aisha; Ramos, Nicole
higher education, research-practice partnerships, college access
ISLS 2020
Reframing playful participation in museums: Identity, collaboration, inclusion, and joy
Berland, Matthew; de Royston, Maxine McKinney; Lyons, Leilah; Kumar, Vishesh; Hansen, Derek; Hooper, Paula; Lindgren, Robb; Planey, James; Quigley, Kathryn; Thompson, Wren; Beheshti, Elham; Uzzo, Stephen; Hladik, Stephanie; Ozacar, Basak Helvaci; Shanahan, Marie-Claire; Sengupta, Pratim; Ahn, June; Bonsignore, elizabeth; Kraus, Kari; Kaczmarek-Frew, Kathryn; Booker, Angela
informal learning, playful learning
Book: Seeing the Past with Computers: Experiments with Augmented Reality and Computer Vision for History
Mixed-Reality Design for Broken-World Thinking
Kari Kraus, Derek Hansen, Elizabeth Bonsignore, June Ahn, Jes Koepfler, Kathryn Kaczmarek Frew, Anthony Pellicone, Carlea Holl-Jensen
alternate/augmented reality
Journal of International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction, 2019
Connecting children’s scientific funds of knowledge shared on social media to science concepts
Mills, Kelly; Bonsignore, Elizabeth; Clegg, Tamara; Ahn, June; Yip, Jason; Pauw, Daniel; Hernly, Kenna; Pitt, Caroline
research-practice partnerships, social media, stem
Journal of A Wide Lens: Combining Embodied, Enactive, Extended, and Embedded Learning in Collaborative Settings, 2019
Making the Learning Sciences Count: Impacting Association for Computing Machinery Communities in Human-Computer Interaction
JC Yip, J Ahn, E Bonsignore, T Clegg, E DiSalvo
learning sciences, human-computer interaction
Journal of Information and Learning Sciences, 2019
Inaugural issue perspectives on Information and Learning Sciences as an integral scholarly nexus
Rebecca Reynolds, Sam Chu, June Ahn, Simon Buckingham Shum, Preben Hansen, Caroline Haythornthwaite, Hong Huang, Eric M Meyers, Soo Young Rieh
learning sciences
Equity in the Who, How and What of Computer Science Education: K12 School District Conceptualizations of Equity in ‘CS for All’Initiatives
Santo, Rafi; DeLyser, Leigh Ann; Ahn, June; Pellicone, Anthony; Aguiar, Julia; Wortel-London, Stephanie
k-12 education, research-practice partnerships
ACM, 2018
Designing to illuminate children's scientific funds of knowledge through social media sharing
Kelly Mills, Elizabeth Bonsignore, Tamara Clegg, June Ahn, Jason Yip, Daniel Pauw, Lautaro Cabrera, Kenna Hernly, Caroline Pitt
human-computer interaction, research-practice partnerships, social media, stem
CHI, 2018
Science everywhere: Designing public, tangible displays to connect youth learning across settings
June Ahn, Tamara Clegg, Jason Yip, Elizabeth Bonsignore, Daniel Pauw, Lautaro Cabrera, Kenna Hernly, Caroline Pitt, Kelly Mills, Arturo Salazar, Diana Griffing, Jeff Rick, Rachael Marr
human-computer interaction, research-practice partnerships, social media, stem
CLS, 2018
Social talk and constructing solutions: Comparing a teen and proxy player in an educational alternate reality game
Pellicone, Anthony; Frew, Kathryn Kaczmarek; Ahn, June; Bonsignore, Elizabeth; Kraus, Kari; Hansen, Derek
human-computer interaction, stem
Educational Technology 2016
Scientizing with sciencekit: Social media and storytelling mobile apps for developing playful scientific dispositions
Clegg, Tamara; Ahn, June; Yip, Jason; Bonsignore, Elizabeth; Pauw, Daniel
human-computer interaction, informal learning, social media, stem, science learning
CHI 2014
Speculative Research Visions
Eric PS Baumer, June Ahn, Mei Bie, Elizabeth M Bonsignore, Ahmet Börütecene, Oğuz Turan Buruk, Tamara Clegg, Allison Druin, Florian Echtler, Dan Gruen, Mona Leigh Guha, Chelsea Hordatt, Antonio Krüger, Shachar Maidenbaum, Meethu Malu, Brenna McNally, Michael Muller, Leyla Norooz, Juliet Norton, Oguzhan Ozcan, Donald J Patterson, Andreas Riener, Steven I Ross, Karen Rust, Johannes Schöning, M Six Silberman, Bill Tomlinson, Jason Yip
speculative research
Tween Super-Users: An Exploratory Study
Amanda Waugh, Natalie Greene Taylor, Mega Subramaniam, June Ahn, Kenneth R Fleischmann, Allison Druin
storytelling, digital youth, adolescents
Designing Science Fiction and Online Community as Tools for STEM Literacy and Self-Identity
June Ahn, Mega M Subramaniam, Amanda Waugh, Natalie Greene Taylor, Greg Walsh, Jinyoung Kim, Allison Druin, Kenneth R Fleischmann
adolescents, stem, online communities, informal learning
Sci-fi, storytelling, and new media literacy
Mega Subramaniam, June Ahn, Amanda Waugh, Allison Druin
storytelling, digital youth
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